SeeTheTalk: photovoiceYTB projects

This guide is for the teams participating in photovoiceYTB. Each title for the four Parts will bring you to the micro-training for that part.
Photovoice for Youth Development:
*** Slides *** Brochure *** Flyer *** French Brochure
PhotovoiceYTB Project Guide
Timebanking Tools
Part 1 Participant Checklist
Watch Part 1 Orientation presentation.
Learn the 3 goals of photovoice.
Review the 5 Core Values of Timebanking.
Understand the PhotovoiceYTB model.
Learn about Framing.
Learn about Ethics for photography.
Complete Demographic Form.
By continuing with the project, you are agreeing with the Informed Consent statements.
phovoiceYTB Consent: send questions to
Participation is voluntary. You may stop at any time.
Privacy: Surveys are linked to your name. Virtual meetings are recorded. Photos and comments will be used to explain the project.
Risks: This training does not present any physical risks.
Reporting: Photos, quotes, and records from this training and any virtual event may be used on the YTB website and shared with others.
Teamwork and Photo Practice
Part 2 Participant Checklist
Review Part 2 Practice presentation.
Meet with your team to talk about the project.
Obtain the resources you need, such as a digital camera or cell phone camera.
Practice using the camera.
Talk with your team about the first topic for your project
Each team members should take at least four photos related to your topic.
Watch videos
Keep learning
Watch this video: What is photovoice?
Read this short article: What is photovoice?
Practice basic ways of using the camera.
Pick one topic to start your project. You will learn as you go along.
Talk about what the topic means and what the photo says.
Study the examples in the Part 2 Practice presentation.
CTA is "Call To Action"
Your choice(s): make physical or digital - poster, audio, calligraphy, art, collage, presentation, video, YouTube, Vimeo, podcast, Bullhorn,, CLOZTALK, Bonfire, LinkedIn, Facebook, YTB mailing list, TB.O, Chat on the Bench, WhatsApp Timebanking International, YTB Virtual Event, school newspaper, Conference presentation, TechSoup Connect, Virtual How To Series, Timebanking retreat
Your choice(s): plan a gathering or install a display - collect feedback, surveys, ask people to do something. Video record and interview people at a Photovoice exhibit. Advocate - keep using your "voice."

Left side
Add paragraph text. Click “Edit Text” to update the font, size and more. To change and reuse text themes, go to Site Styles.
Right side
Add paragraph text. Click “Edit Text” to update the font, size and more. To change and reuse text themes, go to Site Styles.
In Part 3 we talk, analyze, write captions and pull a lot together before we create exhibits and displays and show people the ideas for which we are enlisting their help to collectively improve out communities.

Dialogue, Selection, Caption
Part 3 Participant Checklist
Review Part 3 Dialogue presentation.
Meet with your team to talk about photos you have taken.
Focus on one topic at a time.
Spend time in dialogue before discussion.
Review and apply the Ethics for group discussion.
Review and apply the Ethics for photo selection.
Part 3 Participant Checklist
Concentrate on Captions.
Use the templates in the Part 3 presentation.
Work with your team to update the Caption for on the photovoiceYTB web form
PhotovoiceYTB Project Guide
This guide is for the teams participating in photovoiceYTB. Each title for the four parts will bring you to the micro-training for that part.
See our Photovoice for Youth & Community Development presenation with Dr. Margaret McGladrey
Brochure and Flyer
Other Resources